Have you ever considered becoming a Foster Home?
Are you able to provide a Safe, Nurturing home to children and youth?
Next 18 hr - Pre Service Orientation will be in May 28-30th 2016. If you are interested in fostering, would like to learn more about the role & responsibilities of being a foster parent for Usma Nuu chah nulth F&CS, please call & register at 250-724-3232 with Michelle.
Next steps
- Attend an informational session
- Submit all paperwork
- Attend 18hr pre-service Orientation; both applicants must attend
- If application approved, a home study will be conducted.
- Home study (S.A.F.E. study)
Pre-Service Orientation- May 28-30th 2016
Call 1-877-722-3232/250-724-3232 to Register
Join us to learn about the application process and get a general over view of what is involved in being a Foster Parent.
Host Home Program
Do you live in the Nuu chah nulth territory? Are you available weekends, summer? Would you like to help Nuu chah nulth children living away from home and in foster care visit home to attend events, spend time in thier home community?
If so, you may be interested in becoming a "Host Home". As a host home you will provide meals, a place to stay, and act as a liason for the foster family and the community. For example, attend community events, introduce to family, etc. The Host Home brochure is listed below, in PDF form.